Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Hello Family and Friends. Sorry it has been so long but, we have been a busy family.
To start off, Mike graduated with his Bachelor's degree in Biology and Chemistry April 7th. I am proud to say that April 14 we moved to Wellsville, UT. I get to stay home with Wyatt, I love it but I am struggling to find stuff to do in the day.  Mike is working in an animal clinic, learning lots.  He will be re-applying for Vet school this Fall and hopefully we will be moving to Pullman next year.

Wyatt is 18 months and so so so so so ACTIVE. He is all over the place. He is such a fun boy. He has so much personality and smiles all day.

Here are some pictures of us. I hope you enjoy them!

This last picture is with my dear good friend Kelly. We took our kids to the Hoogle Zoo.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hello Spring!!!!

Hello Spring!!!

Hey Everyone.. Sorry I struggle so much at keeping this thing updated. To be honest I forget I have it.
To start off, in February we went to Pullman, WA where Mike got an interview for Veterinarian school. About a week later he found out that he made it on the alternate list. He has worked so hard on his grades, GRE score and getting volunteer hours at a clinic. Washington State said that if we haven't heard from them by April 14 we need to re-apply for next year. So we are still in the waiting game, but for him to make it on the alternate list is quite and accomplishment. Most people have to apply twice before they get in.

I am still managing an apartment complex. We hope to move on from here and this job within the next 4 months. I am very excited to move to a different town, that is a little warmer. :)

Wyatt has been growing up so fast. He is now 16 months old and WILD. He still doesn't really have many words to say, but talks all the time ( he comes by that honestly). He loves going outside and playing. That's his favorite thing.  Well I am going to end with some pictures of last couple months.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Family Photos

I am not going to write much. I just wanted to share some family photos.

Friday, December 9, 2011


Happy Holidays everyone.....

I first want to apologize to all of you that follow my blog. I am terrible at keeping it updated. SORRY!

Thanksgiving was wonderful for the Workmans. My in laws took all their immediate family on a cruise to the Bahamas. It so fun to get away and get some sun. We left Wyatt with my family. It was hard leaving him, but I don't really think we could have left him with anyone other that my Mom and Dad.

Family update:

I am still managing apartments in Rexburg. I love my job, and it is such a blessing to be able to keep Wyatt with me.

Mike is one semester away from graduating from BYU-Idaho. We are still waiting to hear back from the grad schools Mike applied to. We are hoping to find out soon!

Wyatt--- well my sweet little boy has a big personality. He has recently discovered Tantrums...... For example - He grabs a pair of scissors.... I take the scissors away from him.... he then screams... stomps his feet.... and softly pounds his head on the wall!  I don't understand where he got that from, but he assure you he didn't learn that from Mike or myself.
He loves chili, bananas, and has been weened from formula for almost a month. WOOO HOOO.

His favorite word is.......... HI, HI, HI, HI, HI........ HI, HI, HI, HI, HI
He loves picking his nose... We have tried teaching him that is a "no no" but we are failing at it.

Here are some pictures we took over the last month. I hope you all enjoy.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Wyatt's first Birthday

Happy Birthday to my baby boy.

We had a fun little party for Wyatt. It was more for us to have a fun time with family and friends.
Here are some fun pictures.

                                   My friend Megan made his cake for him. She did such a good job.   

We can't wait to see what this next year will bring us.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Well Halloween has come and gone. I am so thankful. I am not a Halloween fan but we did dress up. TWICE. :) Wyatt didn't really love his costume. He couldn't walk very good in it, but he was so cute.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Workman Update

Hello all!

Its been a crazy couple of months. First off I got a different job in which we had to move. That was a lot of work. I have taken on one of my mom's great traits.....called pack rat!!!!!! I had stuff in every nuk and crany in our old apt. I really don't look forward to moving again.

Mike has applied to Kansas State, Washington State, and Missouri State for Veterinary School. We are hoping and praying that he gets in. We will know in January. We are both hoping for Washington State. Its a little closer to home. :) He is also in his 2nd to last undergrad semester. I don't know who is more excited him or me!!!! Will be out of Rexburg in less than a year. WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO

I am just working and being a mom. My job allows me to have Wyatt with me. I love it!!!! I am also training with one of my dear friends for a 1/2 marathon. :) Anyone who knows me, knows I am not a good runner. However, I am giving it my all. We are both doing this in effort to lose our last chunk of baby weight that we acquired during pregnancy. FUN TIMES! The race is at the end of October. I am really excited. KEEP ME IN YOUR PRAYERS!!!!!!!

Now for the Good Stuff... WYATT

Wyatt is 1 week away from his 11 month birthday. He is getting so big. He is now crawling all over the place. He is so close to walking. He will pull himself up on furniture and balance  without holding on to anything for a good 6 sec. then falls and does it all over again. He has 6 teeth and bites hard. He says Mama, Dada, and ba ba. I think his vocabulary is bigger, you just can't make out what he is saying. He is a lot of fun and such a good natured kid. We lucked out! Anyways here are some pictures taken over the past couple of months. Enjoy and I will see you back on here... O in 4 months. :)
Love you all.

I had to end with Mike's monster fish that he caught with one of his buddies.